Teaching & Learning

Teaching and Learning

Capstone Engineering Academy teaches the Alberta Education curriculum with experiential learning. We offer advanced education with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to better prepare your child for the world of tomorrow.

We offer more in-depth programs and hands-on learning to meet the unique learning needs and interests of an increasingly technological population. We focus on personalizing the learning experience so that each student is engaged, inspired and learning to their full potential. Our values are: students come first; learning is our central purpose; and STEM education serves the common good.


Program, Focus and Approach

Capstone Engineering Academy teaches the Alberta Education curriculum with experiential learning. We offer advanced education with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to better prepare your child for the world of tomorrow. We offer more in-depth programs and hands-on learning to meet the unique learning needs and interests of an increasingly technological population. We focus on personalizing the learning experience so that each student is engaged, inspired and learning to their full potential. Our values are: students come first; learning is our central purpose; and STEM education serves the common good.

Capstone Engineering Academy’s curriculum incorporates advanced STEM learning using critical design thinking, solution based problem solving and new technologies – providing a unique and practical applied STEM education for each student.

Our students learn directly from a range of real-world STEM professionals and experts from industry. Capstone’s focus on hands-on STEM experiences allows students to improve their potential and leads to the development of vital 21st Century technical and non-technical skills and dispositions:

• Collaboration

• Creative and systematic problem solving

• Confidence to work through the unknown

• Critical design thinking

• A growth life-long learning mindset

• Leadership and global citizenry

Classes and Departments

Core Subjects

  • English, Math, Social Studies, Science
  • Phys Ed, Health, Outdoor Pursuits, Business/Finance


  • Art, Drama, Music, French

Digital Studies

  • Computer Applications, Microprocessors, Control Systems
  • Programming (Python, C++, C#)
  • CAD Systems, Manufacturing,
  • Graphic Design, Photography, Film Making
  • Audio Engineering, Computer Systems,
  • Sensors, Telecommunications, Circuits


  • Electronics, Robotics, Aerospace, Computers, Mechanical, Systems
  • Technologies, Agricultural, Environmental

Projects – CTF/CTS

Laboratory of Discovery

The Lab of Discovery is a unique STEM classroom, Science Lab, Machine Lab, Aerospace Room and Electronics Lab for our students. The are equipped with workstations, computers, machines, and test equipment that utilize components, materials, chemicals, hand tools and power tools that are used in science and engineering The Lab of Discovery weaves creativity and innovation through learning what are typically regarded as “the tough subjects”. Capstone Engineering Academy’s programs teach young people to build STEM skills by applying ingenuity and talent to tough engineering challenges. Our students use the science testing process and the engineering design process (defining the problem and documenting), data gathering, generating ideas, and developing solutions (including prototyping, testing and redesigning).

Assessments and Reporting

Capstone Engineering Academy knows it is important parents and guardians understand how their children are doing in school. We believe that students are more successful with active involvement from parents or guardian. The report card is one component in communicating student learning.

In addition to the report card, Capstone Engineering Academy will communicate with parents or guardians about student progress on an ongoing basis. Student assessment happens throughout the school year and teachers are available to discuss.